Agriculture and Food Security

In Agricultural development sector, HB Consultants Ltd, Bangladesh provides service that include smallholder development, irrigation and water management, agriculture credit and input assistance, food accounting issues and reforms, economic price of food, agriculture and poverty alleviation, crop production technologies and economics, environmental impact of agricultural policy and practices, extension practices and evaluation thereof, agricultural training, seed multiplication, sorting and verification technologies. HB also has extensive experience in food security that is a complex sustainable development issue, linked to health through malnutrition, but also to sustainable economic development, environment, and trade.
Name of the Projects
* Evaluation of Agro-based Industries and Technology Development Project (ATDP II) in Bangladesh
* Baseline Physical and Socio-economic Survey under Participatory Livestock Development Project
* Formulating the Financial Services Component of the Food Security Vulnerable Group Development (FSVGD) programme
* Final Evaluation of Integrated Food Security Program (IFSP) of CARE-Bangladesh
* International Market Access for Jute Diversified Products (JDPs) in Bangladesh
* In-depth Monitoring of Comparative Study of Different Training Programmes undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture, M/O Fisheries and Livestock and M/O Youth & Sports.
* Bangladesh ADB PPTA: BAN 33224-01 Agribusiness Development
* A Study on Towards More Pro-Poor Fisheries And Livestock Sub-Sectors
* Develop Strategy for Revenue from Roadside Tree Plantation Scheme of BUILD Project under the Integrated Food Security Program (IFSP)
* Ex-post Evaluation of Food Security for Vulnerable Group Development (FSVGD)
* Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Baseline Survey under Gopalganj, Madaripur, Shariatpur and Pirojpur Integrated Area  Development Project (GMSP-IADP)
* Interim Impact Assessment through PRA and Survey in Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) project villages
* Baseline survey for second crop diversification project