Water Supply and Sanitation/ Water Resource Management projects are given below which we have done successfully

Name of the Projects

Kunduz River Basin Programme – KRBP (Afghanistan)

Drafting Pro-Poor Strategy for Water & Sanitation Sector In Bangladesh

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) of Subprojects under Second Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project (SSWRDSP-2)

Bangladesh ADB PPTA: BAN 36297-01  Secondary Towns Water Supply and Sanitation

Bangladesh ADB PPTA: BAN 36297-01  Secondary Towns Water Supply and Sanitation

Technical Assistance for Documentation of lessons learned publication on water supply and sanitation in the coastal belt of Bangladesh

Consultancy Services for Baseline Survey, Feasibility Study, Preparation of Master Plan and Investment Project including Top Supervision for water supply and Environmental Sanitation Facilities for CHT Districts under DPHE

Tariff and Sanitation Awareness Campaigns (IEC) Consultancy Services under Secondary Towns Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Project

Consultancy Services for Flood Damage Rehabilitation-2007 Works under WMIP [Contract Package No. BWDB: S-8.1]

ADB TA 7385-BAN: Preparing the Khulna Water Supply

Review Mission of the Estuary Development Programme (EDP)

Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) of  subproject under the small scale water resource Development project(SSWRDP) in Greater Mymensingh, Sylhet and Faridpur areas under LGED financed by JBIC. (PRA Package-04)