Education & Training:

HB Consultants Ltd. have been able to gather a vast knowledge in this sector and possess rich experience of conducting a number of consulting works aimed at developing the education sector of Bangladesh. Hb has expericne working in projects in primary, secondary education sectors as well as in Techncial and Vocation education arena.

HB is capable of Institutional management, financial management, budget planning, evaluation and conducting training programs, arranging workshops, seminars etc. Training needs analysis, design of training modules in IT, industrial training, mid-level managers and supervisor level training in industry, industry-wide training programmes, training for mid- level and senior managers in commerce and industry, pre- and post training appraisal, post training on-the-job follow-ups. Recent project on Human Skill Development and Training of HB are- Preparation of Skills Development Project, funded by ADB; Development of ICT Training for Government Officials and Promotion of ICT use for Bangladesh, funded by WB.

Name of the Projects

ESTEEM (Effective Schools through enhanced Education Management); Component 4: Development of Financial Management Unit (FMU) with Directorate of Primary Education, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education

Study Mission on Primary Education, Secondary Education and Primary Health Care Issues with Oxford Policy Management (OPM), UK

Female Secondary School Assistance Project II: Design Implementation and Evaluation of Outreach Program, Family Attractiveness Program and Community Mobilization for Existing and New School Program 

Second Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-II)- Combined Procurement & Financial Audit for FY 2005-06 and FY 2006-07

Mid Term Review of the Programme to Motivate, Train and Employ Female Teachers in Rural Secondary Schools (PROMOTE) programme:  Bangladesh ALA 95/07

RIBEC-ESTEEM-FINANCE with Ministry of Primary and Mass Education

Tracer Study for Learning Centers (LCs) and Shishu Kallyan Trust (SKT) Children under the Project Reaching Out-of-School Children (ROSC)

Preparation of Skills Development Project

Teaching Quality Improvement II in Secondary Education  (TQI II) ADB TA 7426- BAN

Analysis of Human Resource Development Capacity of National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) in Secondary Education Sub-Sector

Analysis of Human Resource Development Capacity of National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) in Secondary Education Sub-Sector

TA 8085 BAN: Support for the Third Primary Education Development Project