Transport, Port and Railway:

HB Consultants has considerable experiences these sectors.

Name of the Projects

BIMSTEC Transport Infrastructure and Logistics Study (BTILS) TA 6335

Bangladesh ADB AOTA: Chittagong Port Efficiency Improvement Project

Bangladesh ADB PPTA: BAN 36105-01 Chittagong Port Trade Facilitation Project

Bangladesh ADB AOTA  Improving the Efficiency of Transport Logistics in the Dhaka-Chittagong Corridor

Employer’s Representative Services for the EPC Contract of Addis Ababa (Sabata)-Adama-Dire Dawa-Dawanle (Ethiopian Border) Railway Project(Route-1)

Reform Consultancy Services under Bangladesh Railway Sector Investment Program (Loan No. 32234-BAN): Component 3

Feasibility Study of Saidpur Railway Workshop Modernization

Feasibility Study for Multimodal Freight Station Near Jalalabad Industrial Park-SCRTF

Design Review and Construction Supervision Consultant under Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project (KUTEI)