Health & Nutrition:

The firm has experience in health sector planning, nutrition, health economics for improvement of rural healthcare facilities, planning and designing of the community water and sanitation facilities for the water supply and hygiene, environmental sanitation in rural and urban slum area. Not only in Bangladesh, HB has complted Health prioejct in Indonesia and Afghanistan. Through these health proejcts, HB has been able to enhance the cpacity building of soem certain departments and also help the community to get access to better health faciltiies.

Name of the Projects

The establishment of a Management Support Agency(MSA) for the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh

Support to the institutional Development to the Ministry of Public Health, Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (Health Component-Package 31)

Assess Client Satisfaction in Go and NGO Programme Performance

Urban Primary Health Care Sector Development Project (TA 7655)

Assessing the impact of user fees on UPHC-Reviewing Health voucher and user fee exemptions under Second Urban Primary Health Care Project-Package S15 & 16