Information & Communication Technology:

HB has high profile experts in the sector of the design of complete computer-based Management Information Systems and Decision Support Systems, the specification of both hardware and software, assistance in the procurement of hardware and off-the shelf software, training in the use of hardware and software, assistance in software implementation, assistance in hardware implementation problems like LAN implementation and management etc. Turnkey computerization projects are fully within our area of expertise. If required, our team of software-specialists can develop bespoke software customized to individual corporate requirements.

Name of the Projects

Computerization of Project Accounting Manual (CPAM)

Needs Assessment Study on Training under Assistance to Support ICT

Need Assessment Study on Software Application—BGD/04/005-ASICT Project

Development of ICT Training for Government Officials and Promotion of ICT use for Bangladesh

Development and Implementation of a Data Management Information System for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW)

Consultancy Services for Development of a GIS based Decision Support System (DSS) on the Industries of Greater Dhaka

Enactment of Regulation for Unified Licensing (BTRC-Package-4.12)

Project Monitoring Information System (PMIS)

Development of Technical Specification for Government ICT Network and inputs for bidding process