Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

As a responsible corporate citizen, we at HB strongly believe in the values of CSR. CSR is an integral part of our core company policies, which guides the way we operate our businesses both locally and internationally. On a business level, HB aims, where possible, to develop local capacity in the country with a view to developing expertise locally. We provide equal opportunities to women in case of employment, because we trust that women, with their dedication, commitment, and intellectual expertise, can add great value to the company. As a means of encouraging participation of female employees in the work place, HB has set up a ‘Day Care Centre’ for children, first of its kind for a consultancy company in Bangladesh.

In line with our policy of being open, transparent and accountable for our businesses, we practice high standards of business ethics in every stage of project management. HB stands strongly against the concept of undue activity in business dealings. This practice has enabled HB to achieve a unique brand image among its clients and has made it earn a respectable position in the society.

We believe that one way we could touch the community where we live is by getting involved in charitable contributions. Over the years, HB has provided cash or in-kind donations, clothing and equipment supporting victim families from the impact of floods, cyclones and other natural calamities in Bangladesh.

Through our CSR practices, we are promoting responsible business practices and supporting the sustainable growth and development targets of our people and communities.