
HB Consultants Ltd has completed a number of projects in governance sector. It has completed projects with various clients this sector such as Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), Bangladesh, Unit for Policy Implementation (UPI), Bangladesh, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, Dhaka, Bangladesh Parliament Secretariat and European Commission. All these projects aim at building the capacity of government, and service providers to respond to the concerns and supporting the participation.

Name of the Projects

Managing at the Top 2 (MATT-II) Bangladesh Public Service Capacity Building Programme

Institutional review of a National Institute of Local Government (NILG)

Bangladesh ADB AOTA: BAN 33222-01 Strengthening Project Portfolio Performance

Core governance identification mission

Management and Implementation Support Consultant for Strengthening Parliamentary Over sight Project SPEMP C (IDS Grant No.TF 097134-BD)